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Canada’s Top Surfers Set To Hit World Stage At 2018 ISA World Surfing Games

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Canada’s Top Surfers Set To Hit World Stage At 2018 ISA World Surfing Games

VICTORIA, BC – In just a few days, Canada’s top surfers will come together to compete at one of the largest surf competitions of the year; the 2018 UR ISA World Surfing Games, taking place Sept. 15-22 in Tahara, Japan.


Six Canadian athletes will suit up for their country, all coming off of strong performances over the past year of competition at the 2018 Surf Canada Nationals, Rip Curl Pro Tofino, as well as World Surf League Qualifying Series competitions.

Rising Canadian star Mathea Olin, women’s national champ Bethany Zelasko and Big Wave rider Paige Alms will represent the women’s contingent. Men’s national champion Peter Devries, Sean Foerster and Cody Young will form the men’s side of the draw for Canada. The group will be joined by head coach Shannon Brown.

“I’m feeling good and excited to do an event outside of Canada for the first time in a long time,” explained Devries. “I’ve just been getting my boards dialled and having a great summer heading into the event. I feel like the biggest adjustment for me is going to be surfing in warm water without a wetsuits and boots.”

Devries is optimistic of his team’s ability to compete at this year’s event.

“I think this is a very strong Canadian team,” he added. “Everyone is competitively savvy and I feel like the whole team is versatile in different conditions that can be thrown at us over there.  I’m just crossing my fingers for some fun waves that will make for an entertaining event.”

Canadian coach Brown thoughts on this year’s Canadian team echo that of Devries.

”This years team as a whole is by far the strongest team that Canada has ever sent to a world event so I’m exciting to be a part of it,” said Brown. “What is just as exciting is that we have several alternates who didn’t qualify at this year’s Surf Canada Nationals that are just as talented as the athletes who we have competing. It’s a great testament to where the level is at in Canadian surfing.”

With under two years remaining until surfing makes its debut at the 2020 Olympics, events such as the World Surfing Games will play an even greater role for participating countries.

CBC Sports and Radio-Canada Sports will be Live streaming the entire UR ISA World Surfing Games from September 15-22. The streams will be available at CBCSports.ca and ici.radio-canada.ca/sports as well as on the CBC Sports and Radio-Canada Sports mobile apps respectively.

Though still to be determined on a day-by-day basis, additional content from the WSG may be available On-Demand at the CBC Sports website and app.

Surf Canada is the official National Sporting Federation (NGF) and sport partner of the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and the International Surfing Association (ISA) who in turn is the International Olympic Committee (IOC) governing federation. As such, Surf Canada is solely responsible for selecting Surf, Stand-Up Paddle, and Prone Paddle athletes to compete at international events including the yearly ISA World Championships, PASA PanAm Surf Championships and every four years the PanAmerican Games and the Summer Olympics Games.


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