DATE & LOCATION The 2019 Surf Canada AGM will be held during the morning 10:00am on August 27th at Coastline/Surf Canada Office: 1417 Broad Street, Victoria BC.
GENERAL MEETING FUNCTIONS As a reminder and in accordance with the current Surf Canada By-Laws, the AGM reviews the report of the Executive Committee and considers current issues and votes as required. Members will be reminded of any changes, amendments to the By-Laws as proposed by the Executive Committee, and other general updates and items of business of Surf Canada.
CALL FOR AGENDA ITEMS All proposed agenda items must be received by the Surf Canada on, or before, August 20, 2019. Submissions must be sent by email to Executive Director, Dom Domic ( and a confirmation of receipt from Surf Canada will be provided in response. Requests received after 11:59pm (23:59) PST on August 20, 2019 will not be considered.
IMPORTANT NOTICE Only members in good standing with Surf Canada are able to attend the AGM, and only Class A and B members can vote (bylaw 2.01). If you cannot attend in person, Voting may be done by proxy (bylaw 4.08) or by electronic means (bylaw 4.07)
AGENDA: SELECTION – DIRECTORS Term expires Dave Suzuki – treasurer Dustin Heise – director Lina Augaitis – athlete rep
Shortlisted by Selection Committee New Term Candidates: Paige Alms- athlete rep Noah Cohen- athlete rep Barbara Carmichael- director Lionel Conacher- director Christopher Wolfenberg – director
Continuing Term until 2021 AGM: Mike Redpath- president Beth Amiro- secretary Dan Tarnow- vice president
We want to express our gratitude for our out-going Directors for their fine service to the Sport of Surfing. Looking forward to seeing many of you soon. Please do not hesitate to contact Surf Canada should you have any questions.