Rip Curl Nationals Important Visitor Information
Rip Curl Nationals presented by Red Bull starts Friday May 10 and here are some Important notes for visitors and surfers to Wickaninnish Beach:
There is no Food Services in the National Park, so please plan accordingly and be very diligent with your food scraps and refuse. Human food kills wildlife.
Surfrider Foundation will be onsite for recycling and disposal.
Please car pool or use the FREE shuttle service provided by the District of Ucluelet for May 11-12, 10am-5pm – look to the schedule for pick up and drop off locations and times
Parks Canada visitor fees and rules always apply.
All pets on leash at all times. 
let’s keep it green
HWY 4 Kennedy Hill HWY 4 Kennedy Hill Project Updates
Bus Schedule: CSA Bus schedule 19 – Ucluelet
Best news of all is the Weather and Waves are looking great for the Rip Curl Nationals!!
May 8, 2019
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